Ice Age Cometh?

The cardinals don't seem to mind the cold.  I saw the female this morning, and for once she seemed content to sit still - although she was watching me carefully turning her head this way and that.  I saw her mate this evening after work but the light was too low for a good picture.  Anyway, he was skittish.

Everyone else seems to mind the cold (including me I must confess).  I keep hearing about polar vortexes, arctic jet streams, frost quakes and extreme wind chills.  Seems to me when we were kids we just called this kind of cold freezing cold (maybe as teens another F adjective was used).  I have to chuckle at all the fancy terms.  To me this is a typical Ontario winter.  

Cold enough to make your fingertips freeze up so you have to make a fist within your mittens. Cold that makes your nose feel stiff.  Cold that gives you a headache smack dab in the middle of your forehead.  Cold that makes the snow underfoot sound like styrofoam.  Cold that brings silence to the evening as everyone hunkers down for the night.

Cold that makes the cardinals (and us) fluff up our feathers just a bit more than usual.


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