Balancing on the Tightrope

Many things in life are about balance.   Eat a balanced diet; balance your life between work and play; balance being at rest and being in motion; balance your relationships with give and take.

When I feel my life is off balance I find it almost impossible to move forward.  Like I am stuck where I am standing until my equilibrium returns.  The conundrum about standing still  (or not doing anything proactive to restore a sense of  balance) is that without moving and doing something the balance will not return and more than likely I will be even more off balance.  And so, one plodding foot in front of the other, I try to become "unstuck".  Many things can throw us off balance. That is why it is so important to have things that help you keep or regain a sense of balance in your life.  Supportive friends and family, hobbies and pastimes that nurture your well being, a  healthy diet and exercise are just a few of the ways we keep a sense of balance.

Keeping balance is what walking a tightrope is all about : don't look back, don't look side to side, look straight ahead and focus on the feel of the wire under your feet and slowly and steadily move ahead with confidence. And, above all else don't look down!

This might be good advice for keeping balance on the tightrope, but to keep life balance we need to follow different instructions.  While I believe in not looking back too far (in terms of wishing you could change the past) there is some benefit to looking back to see where you came from and how you got to where you are.   You must look side to side for opportunities and experiences that you might not see if your focus is always straight ahead.  Looking ahead far enough to see where you are going, but not so far that you are not experiencing where you are presently is also important.  

My life balance advice is to breathe deeply, focus on and feel where you are; turn your sights to see what is all around you; look ahead, chin up, and slowly but confidently move forward. 

But don't look down!


Joe said…
Great, advice, Allison! Especially the part about not looking down!

Hope those were not your toes on that tightrope (at least literally!)as it looks pretty sharp.

Sometimes I do look down myself, and I always regret it.

We can never change, the past, it is true.

May God (in whatever form you understand him/her) bless you and guide you to a true life balance. Count me among those who support you. said…
it is ALWAYS a challenge!!

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