A Message to my Daughter On Her 21st Birthday

Try to get past your fears as they arise and before they become insurmountable mountains.
Buy yourself a pair of hiking boots and get outside more.
Never give your power to anyone.  It is yours, hold it tight like a treasure.
Don't wear make-up to bed no matter how late it is.
Choose playing with your kids (when you have them) over a clean house.
Keep your girlfriends.
Get enough sleep.
Stay friends with your brother. He's da bomb.
If possible find a job that you have a passion for and don't worry if your passions and jobs change - there is no rule that says you have to do the same thing for the next 40 years.
Smile. Laugh. You are so beautiful when you smile and laugh.
Say what's on your mind.
Floss, Floss, Floss.
Follow your heart.  It knows the way.
Do (at least) one thing every day for yourself.
Remember that most people deserve a second chance (not all, but most).
When you love someone do it with your whole heart (even if you are afraid) -  it is the only way to love someone.
Be patient.
Dance and sing when no one is looking.  Or even if they are.
Keep learning and discovering.
Learn to cook one dinner really really well - it will be your "go-to" meal to impress. Then invite me for dinner.
Have a physical every year.
Be compassionate and don't judge people too harshly - most people have stuff they are going through that we don't know about.
Have one dress that makes you feel like a million bucks when you put it on even if you don't have anywhere to go in it.
Take your Mother's advice.



anna said…
have a nice pictures posting collection of birthday messages for daughter

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