The Best Laid Plans

The saying goes "the best laid plans o'mice and men often go awry".  I use this saying often when things go "awry". I did not realize until today that it has been adapted from a Robert Burns poem "To A Mouse" . For some reason I have always connected it to the John Steinbeck novel "Of Mice and Men".  Perhaps there is a connection between the poem and the novel that I am not aware of.

In any case, it is a useful saying and very often true.  You can make plans upon plans upon plans, but quite often they will not go the way you had planned for a variety of reasons.  Planning gives us a sense of comfort, security and purpose.  "I will do this and then that", we say to ourselves, with the belief that we have complete control over our lives.  Don't get me wrong as I do believe we have some control (we can, after all, make choices and decisions),  but there is a lot not within our control.

To try to control everything is to be frustrated and disappointed.  There are too many variables to be able to plan our lives with any real degree of certainty.  We must accept that some things will interfere with our best laid plans and be flexible and accepting as best we can.

My best laid plans have gone awry at least for the short term - no hiking, no gardening, no swimming (eek no baths even!) and no trip to see my family in Victoria.  As I know I have to, I am (trying) to accept what is; choosing to believe that the universe is purposefully diverting me to other things I may not have otherwise been aware of.  I must look at this time as an opportunity for growth and exploration of new things, not a setback.

Funny thing is I have been saying lately how much I needed more time at home.  The universe has handed it to me.  It just came with a broken bone (or two).

Msabu's bleeding. She does not have this ox. This lion is hungry. He does not have this ox. This wagon is heavy. It doesn't have this ox. God is happy, msabu. He plays with us.
Farah - Out of  Africa


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