Finding Time

I wish I knew the secret to finding just a little of it because it certainly seems to be flying these days. Even with an extra hour this past Sunday due to the return to standard time the weekend went by way too quickly. An ongoing list of things to do is never far from me at home and at work. Neither list seems to ever get smaller although I always cross things off as I go.  I am one of those people who, if something wasn't on the list but I did it anyway, will write it down and cross it off. Maybe a bit crazy but sometimes I really need to see that something has been accomplished.  I am - as I write -  looking at a long list thinking of all the things I should be doing besides writing this.  I do have laundry on the go, so that is something.  I took the time to go for a good stretch of the legs with my daughter tonight.  I believe the exercise and fresh air keeps me sane (relatively, at least).  Overwhelmed by my list. Tired from the non-stop pace of my workdays these days.  I am going to leave that list and find the time for a hot bath.  Priorities.


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