How Fragile We Are

This week I was reminded of just that while reading the heartbreaking series about little Stella Joy.  I read with tears falling onto the newspaper, blurring the words.  

Why should such a young, beautiful, vibrant life end long before it had really begun to blossom when so many lives, long since faded by time, can still go on?  There is no answer for that.  Only why? We will never know.  But we must accept it as part of life.

How fragile we are. How fragile life is.  Most of us go through life  living like we are immortal, like we will always have a second chance, that our life is full of tomorrows.  Not so. 

Life as we know it can change or end at any time.  We don't know how long we have on this earth.  We can't know if those we love will be there for us to love tomorrow and the day after that, or the one after that. 


Life is fragile.  Life is precious.  Life is uncertain.

Love with all your heart.  
Savour the precious moments.  
Don't constantly wait for tomorrow to happen.


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