50 Shades of Blue

Blue skies endlessly stretching overhead, the sparkling deep blue waters of Georgian Bay, Spring forget-me-nots, a pair of old faded blue jeans, blue shadows on freshly fallen snow, blue eyes (particularly my Father's which he passed on to me), a blue row-boat (a memory from childhood), and  Blue Jays (the bird, not the team).  Many of my favourite things are blue.  Azure, baby-blue, cobalt, cerulean, cornflower, indigo, navy, sky blue, ultramarine.. the list goes on.  There are many shades of blue, and all of them - in my opinion - are lovely.

Apparently, I am blue too.. or at least my personality type is blue (so say the "experts").   On the upside blue personality types are creative, intuitive, spiritual, devoted, sensitive and peaceful.  On the downside emotions play a huge part in how we perceive and react to things.  It is very difficult for blue types to distance themselves emotionally and not take things personally.  We are sensitive, we blues . Therefore, life as a blue can sometimes truly be blue.  

Despite the down side I wouldn't want to be any other colour. Blue people operate from the heart. And that is the way I choose to live my life even if it means my heart feels like it is cracking more often than not.  

“I trust so much in the power of the heart and the soul; I know that the answer to what we need to do next is in our own hearts. All we have to do is listen, then take that one step further and trust what we hear. We will be taught what we need to learn.”

Melody Beattie


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