Sentimental Journey

As the sunflowers bloom and the days start to get noticeably shorter, the nights cooler, and the CNE opens is the time I get a little sentimental thinking about when the kids where younger and the the end of summer meant a fresh pack of pencil crayons, new back packs and getting to bed early.  Things have changed with my daughter entering her 4th year at university and my son last year of high school (how did that happen?). I am in bed before they are - even on school nights- and the pencil crayons have been traded for laptops.  

End of summer sunflower - this one is a bit shy
We spent the past weekend at a friends cottage, the kids and me.  How I love to spend time with them without the distraction of computers and television.  We played games and laughed.  Laughed till we cried (maybe just me).  I love "cottage" time.  We have another weekend of it coming up and I am looking forward to more of the same as I know too well that these times are coming to an end as they get older.  I will hang on to these memories and all the others of them that I hold in my mind and heart.*

I could get used to waking up to this view
To the beach - Meghann and Jordan
Enjoying the view - Meghann & me

Clouds at the (rocky) beach
Sunlight in the water

* Eckhart Tolle tells us to live in the present.  And, to a certain extent, I believe that to be wise advise.  But I know that the memories that we make are part of who we are and the good ones are worth savouring and remembering over and over again.


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