Spring Cleaning

With the arrival of what feels like a very early spring (almost summer like weather in this part of Canada) I have been busy doing some spring cleaning. -  chores usually left for much later on - April or even May.

On the weekend I was busy with cleaning out the potting shed.  I was so happy to see my blue pots again after so many months.  My imagination was busy with what to fill them with this year?  First will be some pansies which can withstand the fluctuations in the temperature.

I also prepared the raised beds for vegetables and yesterday decided to plant some early lettuce, spinach and chard all of which don't mind the cooler temperatures.  If it is too early and they don't sprout I really haven't lost anything except a few seeds.  If they do take off then we will be enjoying fresh greens much earlier than we usually do.  My Mom has recommended putting beets and peas in early as well so I think I will take her wise advice.

Yesterday evening  my son and I had a smudging ceremony for the house and ourselves.  This ritual is to help remove any bad energy.  To lift and lighten.  It was a good thing to do.  As I went from corner to corner of the house I asked the Universe to keep our house filled with happiness, laughter and love.

Lettuce planted, bad energy removed, now I just have to tackle those cobwebs and dust bunnies.


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