Haven't The Foggiest

Foggy morning Lake Ontario - Port Credit
Do you ever have those days?  The days where you feel absolutely clueless of what is happening,  why it is happening, where you are going, why you do the things you do (or for that matter why other people do the things they do)? The days where you can't see the path ahead of you nor the one you have come from?

You are in a fog.

Sometimes I think it  is better to just BE with it.  Just let the foggy days happen and not try to figure it all out.  It just is there, enveloping you - but you are still safe.  Just move slowly, look around more carefully, rest more often.

Sooner or later the fog will lift and you may have an A-Ha moment ... yes, there is my path again; yes, I understand.

Fog Lamp

Foggy walk along the waterfront

Lonely buoy in the fog

The fog is gently lifting


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