Cure for the overwhelmed

I know when I am overwhelmed and I know the antidotes if not the cure.

yoga or 
a walk 
followed by
a hot bath
a good movie 
or a book
a glass of wine 
a friend
a good laugh 
or cry
a hug 
or two

If someone knew you were on the edge of feeling overwhelmed would they ask for or do the thing that would send you over the edge? The thing that would send you to your refuge of the bathtub in tears because you can no longer hold it in?

I like to hope not.  But sometimes I wonder if we are not all so caught up in our own ego filled worlds that we are - for the most part - insensitive in the way we treat others.

I am overwhelmed.  I have too much on my plate and no one to delegate it to.

I am generous, kind and thoughtful which are all good traits, but I expect too much from others, have a hard time setting boundaries or vocalizing my feelings.  All not such good traits.  I will not change the first three but am working on the the others.

I might not feel quite so overwhelmed if someone would please fix my leaky toilets; if someone would get rid of the rat in the backyard; if someone else would visit with my father so I am not the only familiar face he sees and the only one bringing him cookies and  the sports section; if someone would take the car for the damn oil change on time; make dinner; make decisions;  if someone would give me a hug.

Instead what I got is a Hello Kitty Band Aid.


Natalie said…
Ohhh....I can relate to this, full plates and no one to delegate to. I know I am my own worst enemy because the voice in my head says "you should be able to do ALL THE THINGS!!! Society has been very successful in teaching women that the needs of others comes first.
Allison said…
Natalie, your plate is fuller than most and yet you still find the time to keep us all up to date. You must take some time for yourself as well. Even superwoman needs a break once in a while.

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