A Love Poem

My fingers need to feel both your roughness and softness
My eyes long to drink in the beauty of you
My ears desire your haunting whispers, your silence
Your scent still lingers on my mind, but I am anxious to breathe you in once more

My mind craves the calmness that only you can provide me
My heart expands my chest with love for you
By body will relax at the sight of you
My spirit will delight in you

You will have changed so much since I saw you last, but so have I
We will be closer than before, for I am learning
What is important and what is not

You are not mine, I am not yours, but yet you give so much to me
How generous you are to love me so tenderly and knowingly
Asking nothing from me, just letting me be

Dear Forest, I will be there soon
To reunite with you


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