
I see signs everywhere.  Not the kind of signs you see by the road, or in storefronts, but signs that there is something more out there than what we see.

Lately I have been finding dimes everywhere.  I know, they are just dimes, right?  A friend of mine told me she sees/finds dimes too, and to her it is a sign that her grandmother's spirit is near.  

A couple of weeks ago, I was seeing a lot of raccoons.  They are gone now (I know, hibernating) but I really felt I was seeing so many of them for a reason.

Today a bird flew very close to my windshield.  I could see the flash of red and knew it was a cardinal.  I would have felt terrible if it had flown into my window, but that flash of red brought me to attention as I was lost in my thoughts while driving.  Perhaps the cardinal had a message for me?

If we pay close enough attention there are signs showing us things.  Perhaps they are to remind us of loved ones who may be near in spirit, giving us guidance, giving us strength.  Perhaps we see an animal that has a message for us; reminding us of our path, or helping us with a decision.  Perhaps the reason for these signs are nudges for us to use our intuition and to look inside ourselves to find our way through this life.

Right now it is comforting to me to be finding dimes.  I think maybe it is my grandmother telling me she is near.


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