Whales of Samaná

As always when I am near the ocean the vastness of it astounds me.  It is both beautiful and frightening at the same time. On a calm day the ripples create a beautiful pattern in hues of blue, enchanting and inviting. Waves gently lapping against the shore endlessly, mesmerizing.  There is so much life underneath the surface that we do not know. A place where humans seldom reach; a world unto itself. 

On a recent trip to Samaná, Dominican Republic, I had the opportunity to witness and experience close up some of the largest occupants of the ocean, the humpback whale.  It is impossible to describe the feeling I had seeing these large creatures in their natural habitat, so close.  Their size, their beauty and their grace was breathtaking. It was a sight I will never forget.

How small these great creatures made me feel.

Humpback whale breaching 

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

― Rumi

For more information on whale watching in Samana visit:


Unknown said…
Wow, You shared all the photo very beautiful in samana whale..



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