Counting Crows

In the early morning on a warm fall day a couple of weeks ago, I was working in the garden when I heard the distinctive caw of a number of crows.  As I watched, about a dozen of them landed on the fence and the roof of the shed.  I like crows, smart birds. I don't usually see them in any great number around my house and I was happy to see them that morning.  My spirits were lifted by their presence in my yard and although they didn't stick around long I saw their visit as a sign.  

Whatever the crows were trying to tell me, I didn't see the message clearly, but crows are symbolic of the mystery and magic of life and perhaps it was just a reminder for me of just that.

I am believer in animal signs and their guidance.  I often dream of animals - most especially wolves. Although I feel no kinship to the wolf I think it is a valuable teacher and I associate the wolf dream with lessons I need to learn.  If  I see animals in an unusual circumstance or place I take note and am more aware of what is happening in my life at that moment.  

One "animal" that seems to show up in my life often and which I feel an affinity to is the dragonfly. Whether it is my power animal or if it shows up when I need to be reminded of something I do not know, but I like what it has to say:  
Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. "Let there be light" is the divine prompting us to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colourful new vision.
Ted Andrews- Animal Speak 


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