My Version of the Gin & Tonic Gardener

Step One:  Mix up a tall G & T with lots of ice, and because you can't decide, add a twist of lemon and lime. Sit down, sip and sigh.

Step Two:  From your chair look up and notice how lovely the clouds look.  Take another sip of your drink and sigh.

Step Three:  Notice how lovely the pots your daughter planted are.  How she used different things than you would have and how nice it is to have something new in the garden.  Pots of blue and green leaves.  Very pretty.

Step Four:  Take another sip of your G & T and make a mental note to ask your daughter what these purple flowers are called. 

Step Five:  From your reclined position notice that the rhododendrons are blooming (was concerned they weren't going to) and make another mental note to look up information about pruning these properly for more blooms.

Step Six:  From the same vantage point (that is your reclined position with drink in hand, in case you forgot) you notice how the chives are blooming.  Perhaps more chives in the garden are necessary.  Useful and pretty. 

Step Seven:  Perhaps a little stretch of the legs would be good now.  Just a peak at what is happening in the corner of the garden.  The _________ is blooming and looks pretty (the G&T seems to be interfering with the ability to remember the name of this shrub).  Notice weeds in the garden but do NOT stop to pick them out.  They will be easier to pick out when they are bigger says the G & T gardener.

Step Eight:  The chimes are silent you notice.  No breeze.  It is quiet warm, humid and still.  Good thing you still have a good portion of the drink in your glass.   Yesterday it was cold and freezing.  Enjoy.

 Step Nine:  Take another little walk to see what's happening in the front garden.  Pin cushion flowers - so pretty.  Weeds.. firmly ignore.

Step Ten:  Make another mental note (having already forgotten the first one) to find out the name of this plant.  

The Gin & Tonic Gardener is a humourous little book.  For all those who garden, I recommend you pour yourself one and sit down and have a little read.  The weeds will wait.


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