New Beginnings

With the arrival of Spring comes a sense of renewal and energy.  If you have been feeling stuck, unmotivated, unenergized, and generally uninspired this is a good time to set intentions, clear clutter and let nature cue us to enliven our spirits and move forward.

Outside we can see the signs of nature awakening with new energy.  This energy is so vibrant and strong that we can't help but feel energized and vibrant ourselves.  Our steps feel lighter, our smiles brighter, and our hearts open to possibilities and dreams.  There is a feeling of being more connected to nature and to the universe.

Since Spring is a time of growth we can use this time to continue our personal growth.  We should "plant" with intention the things we want to grow and develop in our lives.  With attention and care our thoughts and ideas (seeds) become rooted and grow.  During this time it is important to nurture the "seeds' that serve you well and carefully remove the "weeds" that are holding you back.

Welcome Spring both in the outdoors and within yourself with gratitude for the opportunity for new beginnings.

Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.
Henry David Thoreau

Note:  Photos from previous Springs - we are not there yet


Réal said…
Well said Allison...

Your body hears everything your mind says - Stay positive!
Réal said…
Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do. Plus, you get strawberries!
Ron Finley
Allison said…
Or Raspberries !

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