What's Good For The Goose....

... is good for the gander.  This is one of those sayings you hear all your life and never really fully understand exactly what it means. 

Today I decided to start off my day with what is good for this goose.  I always know what is good for me but I don't always do it.  Why is that?  

I know that when I take the time to take care of myself - putting my needs somewhere near the top of the heap at least-  then I am better at taking care of others.  I have energy to give back.

I have been considering energy and time management a lot lately as I don't seem to have enough of either resulting in a person that is not very pleasant to be around (stressed, tired, irritable, unenthusiastic, negative.. the list goes on).  I am actively trying to turn that around.  If I do, the gander will be happier :).


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