This is the End...

of another growing season. 

I am not sure where the summer went. I am already missing it. Missing the warmth, the light, long evenings on the deck.

I spent a happy morning on Saturday working in the garden, preparing it for winter. Clipping down some perennials while leaving others for winter-scaping; raking leaves over the beds to insulate the tender plants and provide nutrients to the soil.

It was a glorious morning for November. The sun shining and keeping me warm and the birds busy and singing around me. The cooler weather has brought back the chickadees in full force, and the cardinals that I haven't seen lately came for a visit. I am happy too that my blue jays are still visiting frequently.

Sadly, all the blue pots are put away till next spring. Which is all too far away for my liking.

Leaves in the birdbath

Beans left on the vine too long
Except for this one leaf hanging on...

.... berries are all that's left on the vine

Welcome visitor

November lavender

Colourful leaves of the mountain ash

Planted last year - it is doing well


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