Big World Small Speck

The one thing I like best about being in nature is a reminder of how small I am and what a big world it is.  There is so much of it that I have not seen and will never see.  So much about this planet that I know nothing about and never will.  Beneath the ocean lie mysteries that might never be solved and above us is a expansive universe that we may never know.

I like being reminded that I am small in a big world every once in a while.  It is too easy to get caught up in being ME and the little part of the world that I inhabit.  Too easy to believe that my problems and concerns are big, when in fact they are minute compared to many others.  It is good to know that I am really just a speck in the vastness of the earth and the universe.

Having said all of the above, I am a true believer that we each have a (at least small) part to play in the world and that we should be aware of how every action (or inaction) we, as little specks, take there is some effect.  We effect the people and things close to us, the earth that we step on or drive on every day, the air that we breathe and the water that we drink.  All of which are easily taken for granted.  We have the capacity (even as little specks) to contribute something meaningful to the world or take something important away.

That is a pretty powerful position to be in.

I wonder a lot what it is I am contributing to the world.  I know that I contribute in my small little world by being a daughter, sister, friend,  employee, and mother, but what else am I doing?  I am not an inventor, or a scientist, an explorer or neurosurgeon.  My life does not consist of anything so grand or important.  However, I do know what things I take away from the world.  With every piece of garbage I dispose of,  every time I fill up my car, each time I turn on the faucet or flick the light switch, I know I have a hand in changing the earth for the worse.

I may never make a big difference to the world (in a positive way) by doing something grand or important, but I will do my best to not make too big and lasting (negative) footprint on the earth by being conscious and conscientious of my energy use, garbage disposal and by growing at least some of my own food.  This little speck will at least do that.

Recent things that reminded me how small I am:

Being up close and personal with whales in the vast deep blue of the Pacific Ocean.
Staring up in a star filled sky watching shooting stars
Watching Interstellar and The Martian
Flying over the Rocky Mountains
Standing on the edge of the Escarpment looking out over the trees and water for miles and miles..


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