Endings and Beginnings

The ending of one thing means the beginning of another.
Sometimes a better thing.  Or, just a different thing.
There is nothing permanent.  There is nothing that doesn't end or change from one thing to another.

The end of a season. 
A moment. A day. A month. 
A year. 
The end of a relationship. 
A life. 
Or life the way we knew it yesterday.
The end of a job. 
The end of sadness. 

All these things have a new something at the end of them.
At times it is hard to let the new happen.  To let the inevitable change happen.

This season seems to be ending. A cold snap tonight.  It might mean that my longed for second crop of raspberries will not happen. But something else will.
No doubt.

In this hush
between the rising and dusk
of one minute and month
a season arriving
a circle recycling
we see sharp and know cold
that not one thing stands
or stands still
Not one thing untouched
but all carried intact
by love
deep, far and beyond.

Karen Maezen Miller


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