Words to the Wise

Be careful with your words.
Words, written or spoken are powerful.
They can change the way we think about ourselves, others, and the world.
They form our thoughts and our feelings.
Words can motivate, discourage, hurt, help, provoke, insult, anger,
sadden, inspire, and uplift us (and more).
Words have the power to change our lives.

Many words have be directed at me; both verbally and written; both good and bad.  I am choosing to keep in my mind the words that have taught me important lessons; the words that inspire me to be a better person; the words that tell me who I am.

I still carry in my wallet a small note a friend wrote me several years ago when I was struggling with the end of a relationship.  Every once in a while I pull out that note when I need it most. It reminds me of what I have overcome and it reminds me of someone dear to me.  I have been inspired and encouraged recently with the words from a friend "I am proud of you";  I was moved to tears when someone I had just met hugged me and told me "everything will be okay", and felt blessed when a teacher wrote to me "you have a beautiful energy around you".  These words will stay with me and come back to me when I need to remind myself that I am okay and I am moving in the right direction.  When my children say "I love you" I am reminded daily of what is most important to me and when someone says "I am sorry" I am reminded how important and powerful forgiveness is.

Choose your words carefully because they will be remembered.


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