Call me crazy but I like weeds in my garden.  I don’t like an immaculate garden; it’s unnatural.  Not only that, but without weeds how would my problems get solved?

Today I bought a new car.  What does that have to do with weeds you ask?  For me buying a car is stressful.  I don’t like negotiating and I don’t have a poker face.  The sales guy knows I like the car.  His job is easy. Also, I am a woman buying a car – enough said!

Back to the weeds: after the car was purchased, paperwork signed on the dotted line, gong rung, money exchanged; I felt not excited or happy but stressed.  I needed my weeds to pull, and thankfully due to all the rain this week there were many of them.

One by one the weeds came out and one by one my thoughts and worries about another expense, kids learning to drive, insurance etc., were mulled over and unravelled and the stress became less and less.  Weeds pulled, garden looking lovely, mind calmer.  Much cheaper than therapy!

Last year I had mulch in the garden to help control the weeds.  It was a bad idea.  I need my weeds.  I will never mulch again!


Anonymous said…
So true abotu weeds!..

Some are beautiful!

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