Go Local!

I stole that slogan from the LCBO but they have the right idea.

It's strawberry season in Ontario.  Something we look forward every year.  So where are they?  Yesterday morning I looked through the flyers and only one of the major chain grocery stores in my area was advertising Ontario strawberries.  The others were sill promoting strawberries from California.  I don't know about you but I think there is something wrong with that.

The demand for organic produce is on the rise yet it is still not easy to get unless you shop at one of the expensive markets.  I like to buy local organic food in season.  It tastes better, it is better.  It has not been picked weeks before it is ripe and it has not travelled hundreds or thousands of miles to reach your plate.  Buying local also supports the local economy.  It is a win win.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a fanatic. I love my imported chocolate as much as the next woman, but I will buy locally produced food when I can.

A good source for local produce in the summer is your local farmers market.  Or, you can look no further than your backyard.  Even a patio or roof top will work with a little ingenuity.   The taste of your freshly picked lettuce or tomatoes will be worth it.  I am sure most of us have experienced those grocery store tomatoes.. "it looks like a tomato, it tastes like cardboard".

I eventually found my local organic berries and they were spectacular.  Juicy, sweet and red. Yum.


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