Leap of Faith and a Messenger

If you have had experience with taking a leap and not knowing when, where, or if you are going to land safely then you will understand what I am feeling.  Whirring thoughts, feelings of self doubt followed in quick succession by bold confidence, and a sensation of being propelled forward by something big and powerful.  Tears are falling in big silent rollers as I write this.  It has been a turbulent month with lots of letting go and release. That is what it is like to move into something you are meant to be doing, to be on your path in a big and beautiful way.  The feeling like you have arrived home to something safe and sacred after a long time away.

A messenger came for me today as I went outside to do some necessary grounding breaths in the sunshine.  During meditation this morning I had asked for a clear - "can't mistake it, no messing around" - sign that I was heading in the right direction.  The Universe delivered.

The Red Tailed Hawk:

This powerful bird can awaken visionary power and lead you to your life purpose.  It is the messenger bird, and whenever it shows up, pay attention.  There is a message coming.

Hawks are one of the most intriguing and mystical of the birds of prey.  They are the messengers, the protectors and the visionaries of the air.   
The red tail is very symbolic.  It has ties to the kundalini, the seat of the primal life force.  In the human body it is associated with the base chakra, located and the base of the spine the coccyx or tail bone.  It can also reflect that this bird becomes a totem in your life only after the kundalini has been activated.  It can also reflect that the childhood visions are becoming empowered and fulfilled.  It may pop up as a totem at that point in your life where you begin to move toward your soul purpose more dynamically.

A short excerpt from Animal Speak - Ted Andrews


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