Urban Nature Walk

 Easter dinner made and enjoyed a day ahead left us with sunny day with nothing on the list of things to do (or at least nothing that we felt inclined to do).   After a quick continental breakfast of coffee and hot crossed buns we ventured out for an urban walk around the bay in Hamilton.

Hamilton is an area I am not that familiar with other than family visits, the Hamilton Farmers Market (worth the drive) and our brief walk through as part of the Bruce Trail.  Today was a good chance to see a part of Hamilton that I hadn't explored before.  My tour guide and partner in crime is quite familiar with Hamilton having grown up there.

We started our walk along the pathway at Pier 4 Park for a nice walk that took us approximately 7.5 km round trip along the bay to Cootes Paradise (that area is next on the to be discovered list) and Princess Point.  There were lots people out enjoying the beautiful weather and many birds and water fowl seemed happy about the weather as well.

We ended our walk with a stop at Hutch's for fish & chips. We will have to come back for an ice cream cone in the warmer weather.

I am not sure what this tree is with smooth grey bark 
and pom pom like seed pods

View of the bay



Lilly shoots

Seven swans a swimming

Cormorant (I think)


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