Things I learned at my High School Reunion

That high school was a long long time ago....
but 32 years can melt away like it was nothing more than a wrinkle in time
Friendships made there were more important than I realized
We grew up in God's country and I am extremely grateful for that
That I would not go back to being a teenager no matter what you paid me
What seemed big and daunting in grade 9 seems small and insignificant now
My skin fits me better at (almost) 50 than it did at 17 despite the wrinkles and sags
Mr. Fry was never really a math teacher which explains a LOT
That some people never noticed you were alive - and that's okay
I should have joined more extra curricular activities
Wow!! I went to high school with some magnificent people
It's easier to laugh at yourself as you get older


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