
Earlier this month marked an important milestone in my daughter's life - her graduation from University.  During the ceremony I realized that not only is the milestone significant to her, it is also important to those who have watched her grow up in to the young woman she is today.

Celebrating milestones - both our own and others - give us pause to reflect on the journey that brought us there, then to enjoy the moment and to look ahead to the next chapter.  Our milestones are stones that mark journey throughout our lives.

I have a milestone in my life coming up (hint: it involves the numbers 5 and 0).   This milestone seems to have snuck up on me quickly.  How I choose to celebrate this milestone has yet to be determined, but I will choose something that includes those people who are dear to me and a celebration that is about the person I have become over the years, and the lessons, love, laughter and tears it took to get me here.

In a couple of weeks I will be reuniting with high school classmates - most of which who have or are celebrating the same milestone this year.  I look forward to hearing about their journeys since we left high school behind so many years ago.


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