Five minutes of random thoughts

The grass needs cutting, there is a BIG bag of topsoil to unload, the car needs servicing, the kids need dentist appointments, window frames  need painting inside and out - baseboards too, there is a pile of bills to open (and pay), how am I ever going to have the money to retire, what veggies should I plant this year, should we stay here or move, I need to get wrapping paper, what kind of cake to make for Jordan’s birthday, Mother’s day is coming – must get gift,  cat needs a vet appointment, should help Jordan with his university/college research,  call insurance about kids driving, sort books for charity, buy pjs and underwear for Dad, Dad needs to see a dentist, must make time to see my friends, need to work out more, should I try running?,  clean out my closet and donate stuff, get fence built, sharpen the knives and lawnmower blades, make meal plans, put junk out for pick up, update iPod, get a pedicure – soon!, I can’t believe my son is turning 17 in a few days, my daughters  job makes me jealous of her.. is that bad?, I need new jeans..lose 10 lbs first?,  my kids are making their own dinner again (I have to make an effort to cook more), it’s nice out I should go for a walk (I am too tired), it will make me feel better (no, I am too tired), I need to sleep tonight, the cat’s litter needs cleaning, how does it get so dusty in here overnight, the screen door needs fixing,  must send thank you note to “Clint Eastwood”, put an order in for Melaluca, pluck my eyebrows, I am out of B12.  No wonder I don't sleep.

Ahhhh.. if only


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