The Sweet Spot

Everyone will have a different view of what "the sweet spot" is -that (often fleeting) moment when things just come together and create an indescribable feeling and you know you have found the sweet spot. 

My list (not complete) in random order (is that an oxymoron?).

Being so engrossed in a book or a movie that it is hard to believe it was not real and that you were not a part of it.
When you are absolutely exhausted mentally and physically but it feels good.
Laughing whole-heartedly.
A photo that brings back to mind all the emotion, smells, sounds and even temperature of when you first took it.
The moment you realize you are no longer afraid of something you feared for a long time.
When your mind and body are synched in perfect unison.
When your heart talks directly to your head (and your head listens for a change).
The joy on someones face when you have made them happy.
When you find the right words and even more when words are not necessary.
Realizing you are ok just as you are.


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