I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!

This is where I need to let out a big giant roar and find the courageous lion inside of me.

I am still semi-sick with a flu bug, I am tired, I feel aggravated by the tiniest little things, I want to go to my room and have a time out.  Have I hit a wall? And, if so, how do I get over it?

This is where I almost always end up when I take on something new and challenging.  At the point where it seems too hard, and I feel like I am not good enough.  

Welcome to Yoga Teacher Training where it is not all about relaxation and de-stressing.  It is about studying the muscles and bones and learning new words and working my butt off (well, ahem, that would be an added bonus actually) to learn to put my body into poses that it doesn't really want to be in and to smile and breathe through all of it.

I have reached the point where I am looking at myself in the mirror and wondering what in the HELL am I doing?  Why did I sign up for this?  

Ok, nobody forced me. I did it of my own free will.  What I need right now is a good dose of smart ass saucy courage to come from somewhere deep inside me so that I can say to myself  "it doesn't matter if I am not a human pretzel, it doesn't matter if I am not 20 years old and don't look it or feel it, it doesn't matter if I cannot remember every muscle and every Sanskrit name for the poses I can barely remember in English.  What matters is that I am doing it, doing something new, stretching myself to go out of my comfort zone.

My mantra this week in the words of Winnie the Pooh:

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think".



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