Happy New Year

Today I spent the day happily cleaning up all the Christmas stuff.  I love Christmastime, the hustle and bustle, and I enjoy the decorations and the tree while it is Christmas, but once it is over away it goes..quickly!  "On with the New Year!", I say.

I am not one to make a big list of New Years resolutions for myself, but I do spend time reflecting on the year that has passed -  what I have learned, and what I still feel I need to work on.  

This past year was a big year of spiritual and emotional development for me.  I have been working on my personal happiness and I finally feel I am achieving something towards that.  I no longer make other people responsible for my happiness and neither do I make myself responsible for theirs.  This has been a very freeing process for me and will continue to be as I work steadily towards my goals for the future, and spreading my wings a little further.

I wish you all health, happiness and joy for the New Year -
one day at a time


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