All the little things

There are times (many of them) that I feel overwhelmed at the seemingly endless list of things to be done, people to see, places to be.  I do carve out time for myself here and there, but struggle to choose how to use that precious time. What will win out and what will be shelved away, collecting dust until there is enough time?  

One of those things has been this blog.  Like any creative endeavour, there has to be blocked-off time.  Not extraordinary amounts of it, but just the right kind of time.  Where the to-do list is near done. Where there is space and quiet for inspiration and a clear connection to that part of me that wants to create.  It is there always, but most days the connection is fuzzy. I treat my need to be creative like a secondary (or much lower) thing instead of the near the top of the list thing that it should be.  Like being in nature, walking, and breathing...creating is something I need to do.  It is a necessity for my well-being. I may not be a wildly gifted writer, photographer, painter, or gardener, but that does not matter. It only matters that it brings me joy.

It is amazing what can happen and what you can see when you allow yourself to be still. Joy truly lies in the little things, in the things that remind us who we really are, and what we are are here for.

When life comes into focus, you realize there is no time to waste ~ Karen Maezen Miller

But it's  hard to see all the little things
when the big things get in the way

~ Great Lake Swimmers, Moving Shaking


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