Fried Green Tomatoes?

Today was warm enough for shorts while I worked in the garden cleaning up a few things,  readying for cooler weather ahead.  It was so warm that it felt wrong to be cleaning up "summer", but cooler days are ahead and since there is a lot to do to prepare for winter in the garden I thought I would get a jump on it.

We had a light frost on Monday night which only seemed to upset the potato vine and the impatiens.  The tomatoes held up, but I picked the last of them - all green -  and dug up the plants.  It was a good summer for tomatoes with lots of heat and sunshine.

Next were the turnips.  Only a few grew large as they were planted too close together, and I never bothered with thinning them out.  I will grow them again next year, along with Brussels sprouts.  Two fun and easy late harvest vegetables to grow.  I left the chard in as it doesn't mind the cool temperatures.  The lettuces, beets and onions were picked long ago.  There are still some very large beans on the vine, but  I will leave them to wither before pulling them down.

It is hard to believe another growing season is wrapping up.  It went by quickly and even though I had much more time to enjoy the garden then I normally do it still was still not enough.  I will try not to dwell too much about the short, dark, cold days that lie ahead.

Instead I will think about what to make with those tomatoes.


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