Has Spring Finally Sprung?

The sky this morning is a clear pure blue.  It is crisp outside, but the sun is warm already.  I am going to a wedding today so this weather will make the bride happy.  Spring weddings are lovely but the weather is a bit of crap shoot this early in April.

Spring.  Full of hope and promise. New life.  Life changes. 

A friend shared his photos of his bluebird nest.  Two eggs and counting.  I have never seen a bluebird although I think they do come around this part of Ontario. My bird field guide book tells me they prefer up the Bruce Peninsula to the suburbs. Can't say as I blame them for that.

More to come...

"I watch, a voyeur of the most intimate relationship, and hope, against all my human convictions for traditional family values in birdland." 
Barbara McLean - Lambsquarters


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