Finding Faith

A sensitive subject - religion -spirituality - faith.  Whatever you want to call it.  It gets people riled up. Believer or non believer.  Most people have an opinion.

I have never been an overly religious person.  Never baptised in any faith, but I did attend Sunday school and, once in a while, church when I was a child.  When I married a Portuguese Catholic we  had a hard time finding a church that would marry us -heathen that I was - un-baptised, non-Catholic and all.  We did finally find an understanding priest who believed me when I said I would raise my children in the Catholic faith (which I did).  He wanted to baptise me at the service, but was understanding when I explained that it would be meaningless to me so why do it?  For the sake of ceremony?

Both my children attended Catholic school. More because of the close proximity to our house than anything else although I had nothing against them learning about the Catholic religion.   They are now old enough to have their own opinions and feelings about religion, and I encourage them to embrace whatever faith feels right to them.

I hadn't thought much about my own spirituality until these past few years.   The first time I picked up the Bible (I actually went out and bought one) was during my second marriage when I was looking for something to save me.  I found out, of course, that the only one that could save me was me.  I would physically have to extricate myself from the situation. A book wasn't going to do it, nor was prayer.  

The faith I have now has not come from a place of needing to be saved but from a place of wanting to be a better human being.  A person who has more love and tolerance and patience.

Practicing yoga and meditation are ways that help me listen to my heart - my spirit - and hear the guidance that is there, but I have felt the need for more. And so, at the advice of a trusted teacher I have decided to make myself an alter.  A place where I can honour my spirit guides and listen for their guidance to help me along my path. I hope to make my journey in light, love, happiness and kindness.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” 
~ Teilhard de Chardin

candle and stones represent fire and earth

Shells and feathers represent water and air


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