Olympic Dreams

I feel like it has been ages since I posted something.  I know it is not really ages. but it feels like that to me.  Truthfully, the words are whirling in my head but as yet I haven't found the right way to write them.  

I don't watch much in the way of sports honestly, but my subject is the Olympics. The athletes. Both the defeated and the victorious.  I have cried over the last week and a half watching some dreams end and watching others become reality.  These athletes have stirred emotions in me that perhaps have been lying there waiting for a release.  But it is not about me that I want to write.  It is about them and how moving it is to watch them at their finest and at their most vulnerable.  How honest their feelings are.  How it shows in their faces.  How that vulnerability is so refreshing to see. Their courage and determination amazes me. How hard it is to find the words to describe their remarkable spirit and drive.

This is what I wanted to write about.  

Perhaps this will have to be enough.


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