The Tree of Life

I will confess that I am one of those people who spends a fair amount of time thinking about what it all means. Why are we here on this earth, what is our (my) purpose; who or what is God; what is faith and how to achieve it; what part do we play in this most beautiful and merciless dance of nature?  There are many ways to phrase the question, but it basically is what is the meaning of life?

As humans it is in our nature to ask why.  We start asking that at a very early age - questioning our parents, and the world around us.  Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why do things die? Why is there so much suffering? Endless questions of why why why.

In the film The Tree of Life the questions are asked over and over again. We see beautiful depictions of how the world began, of nature at it's most breathtaking and fierce moments; of human nature with it's gentlest loving grace and at it's most wilful and egotistical. 

For most of us the questions about our life's purpose and about faith will come during times of stress, suffering and loss. We do not tend to ponder these things as much when things are going right. We look for answers when we have none. We look for God when we feel lost and alone.  

Perhaps we are simply meant to live without full knowledge. For our souls to slowly learn the balance and the rhythm. For our hearts to trust that we are playing our parts as we are meant to.

I watched The Tree of Life with my son a few nights ago and when it was finished I wanted to hug him tight for all that he is and all that he has learned about being part of this dance of life with grace.

Great Lake Swimmers - Long Into the Evening

It’s only human to wonder why
it’s only animal to do it
It’s only animal to run along the rocks
And move along instead of talk
It’s only human to wonder how
And how I wish I could talk to you now

And the words tumble out of your mouth
Like apples from a wild tree
And mine they spy out cautiously
Like a creature from its cave
Our able bodies and able minds
Are animals and things on vines
Greening fields and windy mines
In our sounds and movements

And the waves like lessons
Thrashing over me in waves
Of self-doubt and illusion
Like night’s intrusion
On the daylight of the strings
They gently let me play

I’ve got points of icicles
Piercing into me and I miss your warmth
And the sound of your voice
Like apples tumbling from a wild and windy tree

My body aches for you, and shakes for you
And sways for you
And dances with your little woman body
Long into the evening


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