Feels like Autumn

This morning it is a chilly 13C as I wake up.  I am sure the sun today will warm us right back up, but the day has that early Autumn back-to-school feel about it.  I suddenly have the urge to buy new pencil crayons and notebooks.  Of course, my kids are beyond those days now, but that is the feeling I have this morning.  Other than the money spent I always liked the sight of new pencil cases, crayons, erasers, notebooks as well as the sight of their fresh happy faces in their new clothes and backpacks.  There was always an enthusiasm on the first day back when they were excited to see friends that had been gone over the summer.  Of course a few weeks later they would always be back to "school.. uggh".  Today really has that Autumn feel.   Must make the most of the last "carefree" weeks of summer. 

One of my favourite late summer bloomers


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